Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Dumb Shit: WeHateTech spammers are changing their own wikipedia?

This is the Biggest Bunch of Bull shit I've ever laid eyes on Fuck wikipedia

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Dumb Shit: Digg Hometown Founded.

after searching long and hard finaly all the people you participate in flame wars find a home where they can be accepted for who they really are.

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Gaming News: Take-Two exec talks ads, 360, PS3

EVP Cindi Buckwalter predicts product placement via minigames, says the 360 shortage is limiting game sales and the PS3 will also face shortages.

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Dumb Shit: MWSF: Levi's offers iPod jeans

Hey I've got a great idea lets add another pocket to a pair of jeans slap an eighty dollar sales tag on it and get people to buy it based on their affinity to the Ipod! This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen they will probably sell like wild fire.

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Intelligent Design News: California high school sued over 'intelligent design' class

FRESNO, Calif. - A rural high school teaching a religion-based alternative to evolution was sued by a group of parents who said the class should be stopped because it violates the U.S. Constitution.

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Crap News: Episode III Is People's Choice?

This just goes to show the vast majority of the movie going public has no taste.

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SciFi News: Stewart: Too Old For More Trek?

Patrick Stewart told the WENN Web site that Paramount may want him to reprise his Star Trek role of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard, but that he may be too old should a new Next Generation movie get off the ground.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Gaming/tech NEWS: Moore: Blu-ray Xbox 360 add-on possible

Xbox marketing chief says Microsoft could release peripheral for the Sony-backed disc if HD-DVD loses format war.

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Gaming NEWS: Gates: Halo 3 not countering PS3 launch

"Microsoft chairman says "super great" shooter won't release until Bungie's say-so, Sony will have own supply woes for PS3 launch."

Damn that would have been funny!

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SONY NEWS: Judge Gives Nod To Sony BMG Copy-Protection Deal

A federal judge Friday gave preliminary approval to a deal that would settle several lawsuits filed against Sony BMG Music over flawed copy-protection programs.

Can you say BOYCOT!

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Tin Hat News: Google is more foe than friend

On the flight home from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, I sat next to a woman who was excited about the possibility of charging people 5 cents to watch one of her home videos of her toddler.


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Web NEWS: Florida spammer hit with $11.2B judgment

this is @#$%ing awesome

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Sci NEWS: Milky Way and Neighbor Seen to Merge

A previously unrecognized galaxy appears to be merging with the Milky Way, bringing hundreds of thousands of stars into our home galaxy that no one has noticed until now, astronomers said Monday.

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Sci NEWS: Increasingly, Wired for Sound

New Technology, Guidelines Extend Reach of the 'Bionic Solution' to Hearing Loss: Cochlear Implants

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Tech NEWS: Hybrid-technology vehicles take centre stage

We want cars that are less harmful to the environment. We just don't want to pay extra for them.With that mixed message — and the backdrop of rapidly rising oil prices — auto makers are forging a future that includes more hybrids, ethanol-, biodiesel- and hydrogen- and even solar-fuelled cars.

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Gaming/Business NEWS: Record year for game UK

Sony NEWS: NYC politico demands Sony pay $20k for PSP ads

When a series of bizarre graffiti pieces incorporating drawings of the PSP began showing up in cities across the country, most gamers immediately smelled a(nother) viral marketing campaign. Those suspicions were confirmed a few weeks ago, when television ads featuring similar art began running.

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Monday, January 09, 2006

Tin Hat/NWO NEWS: $4,416.68 fine for failing to register for National ID Card

Town hall bureaucrats are to be given sweeping new powers to investigate
homes for identity card evasion and to impose heavy fines on occupants
found without one. When the Biometric ID card comes to the USA you can bet that this is what will happen to Americans. Unless YOU decide to stop it.

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Public Service Announcement: Every one wants your money

I wrote this and posted in comments threads in response to all the whining I've been reading on the web (mainly Digg) about problems with the xbox360 and to the issues they raise.

No company gives a shit a about any of they're customers they just want your money. Take Sony and T-mobile for instance both are companies I've personally gone rounds with over the phone.
The trick to getting what you want, on the phone, is persistence if they hang up on you call back and always ask for the person above who your speaking to.
The people you call 95% of the time don't even work for the company you have the problem with they work in a generic call center that handles two to five different accounts like Microsoft. I used to work in that field it sucked it's all farmed out to the lowest bidder for the job.

I have the solution let’s just nuke china where the products are being made and then no one gets one and can't bitch about it! Ok I’m J/k about nuking china not like anyone would do that because they buy stuff and well we want they're money to.

Tech/business NEWS: GM gambles that bigger is always better

The vehicles that General Motors Corp. hopes will restore its lustre -- not to mention turn around its financial fortunes -- made their debut yesterday at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

- Whoevers in charge there is stupid. If you work for GM in anyway start looking for work now.

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Tech/Business NEWS: Next-generation DVD format war frustrates retailers

Consumers, confused over the brewing battle between next-generation DVD technologies, are not alone: top U.S. electronics retailers at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas called the war "nightmarishly unfriendly" and "stupid."

This is going to be ugly and expensive.

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Business NEWS: Verizon Completes MCI Purchase After Winning Approval

Verizon Communications Inc., completed its $8.44 billion purchase of long-distance provider MCI Inc., creating a stronger competitor to AT&T Inc.

The world is getting smaller by the minute.

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Tech NEWS: Auto industry goes alternative

The auto industry is heading irrevocably to alternative-fuel-powered vehicles because of continuing questions about the supply of oil, says Ford Motor Co. chief executive officer Bill Ford.

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Political NEWS: Alito supports strip searching children

Confirmation hearings start tomorrow for Samuel Alito, a man who not only supports strip searching children, but also believes government officials are above the law:

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This guy sure is a piece of work we should all call out senators and tell them what we think they should vote on his conformation

If you don't know how go to this web site

Gaming/tech NEWS: Gamers could influence next DVD format

"For the last three years, consumer electronics makers, computer companies and Hollywood studios have been choosing sides in the battle over the dominant format for the coming high-definition DVDs--Blu-ray vs. HD DVD."

This should be very interesting for my money I'll stick with current gen.

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