Saturday, January 07, 2006

Intelligent Design NEWS: California high school class pits evolution against religion

A rural California high school jumped into the national debate over teaching an alternative to evolution this week, offering the religion-based theory of "intelligent design" in a philosophy course.

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EDIT* the link is bad sorry heres the good one for now.

sorry must have been on their front page and I didnt realize.

Sci NEWS: Skepticism greets claim of possible alien microbes

A paper to appear in a scientific journal claims a strange red rain might have dumped microbes from space onto Earth four years ago.

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Political/Gaming NEWS: Indiana, Maryland politicians cook up legislation to limit sales of games is reporting that officials from Indiana and Maryland have thrown their hats into the ring and have drafted up bills that would put restrictions on the sale of games with violent or mature content. The proposals are largely based on similar bills that failed to pass in California, Illinois, and Michigan courts last year.

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Political NEWS: Anon blogger unmasked as GOP political operative

Tech NEWS: The video format wars are on!

"HD DVD is now playing," said Yoshiihide Fujii, CEO of the Digital Media Network Co. of Toshiba. "HD DVD delivers a quantum leap in how consumers view video."

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Television NEWS: NBC affiliate to pre-empt premiere of The Book of Daniel

"Stations have been flooded with e-mails and calls from viewers objecting to the series, at the AFA's urging. NBC has said it stands by the series."

Let’s all get together to e-mail and call our NBC affiliates and tell them we want to see it before we make a decision on how indecent it is!

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EDIT* I just finished watching this and I love it check it out and then make an informed decision.