Friday, January 18, 2008

I saw Cloverfield tonight

I saw Cloverfield tonight

I think a lot of you will not like this movie. So, my advice is to Stay away from the movie. I liked the movie a lot. This isn't to say I don't think it has flaws. I would have made a lot of edits that they didn't I.E.a lot of the running scenes. If you get motion sick Stay away from the movie.
If you think this is a regular monster movie Stay away from this movie. The closest comparison I can make to help you understand this movie is that it is shot like the Blair Witch Project. It is a better movie than the Blair Witch Project but if you didn't like the Blair Witch Project Stay away from this movie. The whole movie shot for shot is done on a camcorder. The monster is a little weak in terms of looks but you do get some good looks at it. The monster is weird looking. The movie has a bummer ending a lot of people in the theater were really disappointed.

So if none of that bothers you go see it. I think the acting is really good especially for being a cast of unknowns. The special effects are top notch you almost can't tell a lot of it is CG. The plot is sound if not a little on the edge of unbelievable, excluding the giant monster of course. The action is intense from the POV that you see it happening. All and all I really dug it and I think it will have a Niche following. I hope it does well enough to warrant a sequel and they decide to shoot a regular movie with that opportunity. I really did like to see that a whole film could be shot with a handy cam and I think this film suffers from the amount of action being a little over the capabilities of a handy cam.


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