Monday, January 09, 2006

Public Service Announcement: Every one wants your money

I wrote this and posted in comments threads in response to all the whining I've been reading on the web (mainly Digg) about problems with the xbox360 and to the issues they raise.

No company gives a shit a about any of they're customers they just want your money. Take Sony and T-mobile for instance both are companies I've personally gone rounds with over the phone.
The trick to getting what you want, on the phone, is persistence if they hang up on you call back and always ask for the person above who your speaking to.
The people you call 95% of the time don't even work for the company you have the problem with they work in a generic call center that handles two to five different accounts like Microsoft. I used to work in that field it sucked it's all farmed out to the lowest bidder for the job.

I have the solution let’s just nuke china where the products are being made and then no one gets one and can't bitch about it! Ok I’m J/k about nuking china not like anyone would do that because they buy stuff and well we want they're money to.


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